
The tank’s primary role is to draw attackers to them while absorbing damage that might kill, or severely injure their allies. While other archetypes seek to avoid pain, the tank thrives on it, increasing their durability, and damage dealt with every strike. 

Their mastery of defense allows them to redirect, absorb, and negate incredible amounts of damage that their party members might otherwise take. A well-played tank controls the tide of the battle, distracting enemies, and hampering their movements while rallying their allies, and leading them to victory. 

No one lives forever, but a renowned hero who reaches his, or her twilight years probably owes their longevity to a reliable tank.

Tank in metal armor braced for battle with their shield up and mace in hand

Archetype Themes

Fist shooting upward into the sky with motion lines surrounding it


The tank loves being on the front lines, and gains Courage when they deal, or take damage. Courage increases their damage dealt, and reduces damage taken. Courage is used as a special resource to activate, and amplify certain tank abilities.
Tank's shield with a protective bubble around it


The tank provides layers of protection for their party. The tank can choose to protect a specific party member, redirecting a portion of the damage they take to the tank. Some tanks may also choose the Aegis ability, which redirects a portion of the damage all nearby party members take to the tank.
Tank in armor with blue glow around it


The tank has a supernatural endurance that is enhanced by their arsenal of survivability-enhancing abilities. Good timing while using these survivability abilities is key, as a dead tank cannot protect their allies.
3 tank's chains glowing and dangling


The tank has access to many skills that disrupt the enemy, locking them up, and preventing them from harming the tank, or their allies.

Archetype Skills

Strikes the closest enemy target in front of you. On hit, you gain 1 stack of Vengeance, granting you temporary health. Generates 100% additional threat.
Theme Background

Secondary Archetypes

Combine Tank with a secondary archetype to unlock a new play style
symbol of the tank, a glowing light blue shield made up of pointed diamond on the top and two rounded diamonds on the bottom
the symbol of the bard, a pink glowing harp with a curling outer edge and 3 straight strings in the center
symbol of the tank, a glowing light blue shield made up of pointed diamond on the top and two rounded diamonds on the bottom
the symbol of the cleric, a yellow glowing diamond is flanked by magic wings
symbol of the tank, a glowing light blue shield made up of pointed diamond on the top and two rounded diamonds on the bottom
the symbol of the fighter, a red glowing sword pointing downward with two spikes pointing outward on either side
symbol of the tank, a glowing light blue shield made up of pointed diamond on the top and two rounded diamonds on the bottom
the symbol of the mage, a glowing purple open book with a flame extending upward from the center
symbol of the tank, a glowing light blue shield made up of pointed diamond on the top and two rounded diamonds on the bottom
the symbol of the ranger, a glowing green bow and arrow pointing upward with an eye between the bow and the bowstring
symbol of the tank, a glowing light blue shield made up of pointed diamond on the top and two rounded diamonds on the bottom
the symbol of the rogue, a glowing purple hood with a trickster smile coming from beneath
symbol of the tank, a glowing light blue shield made up of pointed diamond on the top and two rounded diamonds on the bottom
symbol of the summoner, a glowing orange circle made up of flame-like tendrils extending up on the left and down on the right
symbol of the tank, a glowing light blue shield made up of pointed diamond on the top and two rounded diamonds on the bottom
symbol of the tank, a glowing light blue shield made up of pointed diamond on the top and two rounded diamonds on the bottom