*The journey matters. Fuel your wanderlust and embrace the adventure! *
Founded in the early days of the Pyrian Empire by the elven noble Lord Pyrravyn, Featherstone Royal Expeditions have endured for millennia. What began as a small, specialized escort service catering to travelers who sought armed and mounted protection while braving Verra’s bandit-infested roads, grew into a full-fledged caravansery, travel agency, and adventuring firm.
Pyrravyn’s heirs fled Verra during the Harbinger Apocalypse and took the company assets with them, setting up shop anew when they arrived on Sanctus. The company survived the Sanctus Interregnum and even prospered – at least as much as any other firm run by Verran expatriates. When the Divine Gates reopened, Featherstone employees were among the first to return to Verra, the home of their ancestors, giving them a head start on other wilderness outfitters.
Today, the wisest Verran adventurers seek the most skilled and knowledgeable expedition guides before they brave the perils of the wilds. Featherstone recruits those best-suited to the tasks and terrain, with special consideration for any who have reclaimed the ancestral lands that their well-to-do customers most covet. Consequently, they employ elven, half-elven, human, dwarven, and even orcish guides. This practice is one of the many reasons why Featherstone Royal Expeditions is rapidly becoming one of the most popular and successful businesses of Verra’s Third Age.
The Featherstone Royal Expeditions cosmetic add-ons will be available in the Ashes of Creation shop from January 11, 2023 at 11:00 a.m. Pacific until February 8, 2023 at 11:00 a.m. Pacific. Don’t forget that Winter’s Nevermore addons will be removed on January 11, 2023 at 11:00 a.m. Pacific when the new cosmetics swap over.
Featherstone Expedition Pack
Accessory Cosmetic Skin *
A heavy duty, maximum capacity internal frame pack designed for mining and other “heavy hauling” expeditions where it might be necessary to carry loads in excess of six stones and still be comfortable. The pack itself is crafted with rugged and incredibly durable white-quilted leather, and features brown leather accents and intricately-tooled Empyrean-style gold detailing. It is water resistant and will hold up in the harshest of weather conditions, whether braving a paralyzing blizzard, a blinding desert dust storm, or the fiercest tropical deluge.
Drill Spiderling
Pet Cosmetic Skin *
This newly-hatched spiderling and scorpion hybrid can be recognized by the shards of featherstone – a reddish-purple magic-infused gemstone – floating above and around its thorax and abdomen, and dotting its eight segmented legs and curved tail. The tail itself is tipped with a tiny drill-like stinger that will produce a deadly venom once the hatchling comes of age. Drill Spiderlings raised in captivity will usually develop a strong enough bond with their owners that they will only use their sting to defend them. Most curiously, Drill Spiderlings are known for their oversized, golden-hued eyes which can only be described as “cute.”
Mature Drill Spider
Mount Cosmetic Skin *
When raised from hatchlings, Drill Spiders are famous for their natural ability to bond with their owners. When they reach adulthood, they are quick to be trained and make fiercely loyal mounts. Drill Spiders are highly intelligent, and are known to recognize and respond to dozens of verbal commands from their trainers. The drill stinger venom of an adult is one of the most deadly toxins in the Verran animal kingdom. Mounts are generally trained to attack with this stinger upon command. Adult Drill Spiders are also known to molt bits of featherstone several times a year. These fallen shards are collected, as they are often quite beautiful and highly sought after.
Illustrious Featherstone Ensemble
Costume Cosmetic Skin *
These lavish, finely-tailored ceremonial robes are made from layers of the finest Empyrean silk, and detailed with gold and featherstone inlays. They feature floating featherstone accessories, including shoulder pauldrons, crown, belts, and riding boots of soft tooled leather. In the past, this style was only worn by Empyreans; specifically Empyrean royalty, nobles, priests, and academics. But in recent years, with slight alterations to their physical characteristics, they have become immensely popular with wealthy Verrans of every race.
Noble Featherstone Carriage
Ground Caravan Cosmetic Skin *
This ornate, wheelless royal carriage features an integral featherstone “hover ballast” – a large chunk of floating stone affixed to the vehicle’s undercarriage to provide it with lift. This allows the carriage to float several feet above the ground as it is pulled along by a Featherstone Drake attached to the carriage with a harness. The driver sits on a cushioned bench seat and backrest affixed to the front of the carriage, controlling the Drake’s movement with a set of leather reins.
Royal Featherstone Warehouse
Freehold Large House Building Cosmetic Skin *
A highly secure Empyrean storage building constructed of white stone, with intricate gold filigree around the windows and doors. The structure also contains several floating featherstone guard towers accented with additional gold trimming.
Wayfarer Pre-order Package
- Access to future Beta Two test phase
- 2 months of game time ($30 Value)
- $25 in Embers (in-game marketplace credits, NO P2W!)
- Featherstone Expedition Pack
Expeditionary Pre-order Package
- Access to future Beta One test phase
- Access to future Beta Two test phase
- 4 months of game time ($60 Value)
- $50 in Embers (in-game marketplace credits, NO P2W!)
- Featherstone Expedition Pack
- Drill Spiderling
Voyager Pre-order Package
- Access to future Alpha Two test phase
- Access to future Beta One test phase
- Access to future Beta Two test phase
- 6 months of game time ($90 Value)
- $100 in Embers (in-game marketplace credits, NO P2W!)
- Featherstone Expedition Pack
- Drill Spiderling
- Mature Drill Spider
Voyager Plus Pre-order Package
- Access to future Alpha Two test phase
- Access to future Beta One test phase
- Access to future Beta Two test phase
- 9 months of game time ($135 value)
- $125 in Embers (in-game marketplace credits, NO P2W!)
- Featherstone Expedition Pack
- Drill Spiderling
- Mature Drill Spider
- Illustrious Featherstone Ensemble
- Noble Featherstone Carriage
- Royal Featherstone Warehouse
- Name Reservation
* All skin cosmetic items are cosmetic items only and do not grant the user any other benefit. The lore text is flavor text, and background of the creatures and items in the world of Verra. Costume cosmetic items do not include the weapons pictured.
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