Ever present in the world, flame is a sight to behold - both a purveyor of ill omens and a beacon of hope in equal measure. Through learning, however, those who wish to bend the will of fire to their own may do so. Only those who revere it are worthy, lest they be consumed by their own hubris.
The Heat and Harmony cosmetic addons will be available in the Ashes of Creation shop from September 2, 2020 at 11:00 a.m. Pacific until October 7, 2020 at 11:00 a.m. Pacific. Don’t forget that the Boons of the Waveborn addons will be removed on September 2, 2020 at 11:00 a.m. Pacific when the new cosmetics swap over.
Perdition’s Path
Accessory Cosmetic Skin *
A foreboding set of smoldering boots crafted in part using the hooves of a wrathful steed of legend, one shudders at the lengths the craftsman went to acquire such a reagent. Nevertheless, their efficacy cannot be denied, as the wearer is imparted with the speed of a rolling firestorm. Naught but a trail of vermillion hoof prints are left in their wake.
Embered Kit
Pet Cosmetic Skin *
Though more diminutive than a campfire, this tiny fox radiates an enchanting and inviting warmth. Despite being a predominantly solitary creature, it possesses an amicable yet curious disposition. It enjoys exploring cupboards and crevices, but is sometimes prone to sudden flare-ups of its twin tails, sending the little one tumbling and rolling in surprise.
Fox of the Pyre
Mount Cosmetic Skin *
Emblazoned with symbols of everlasting flame all along its fur, this beast has grown as fickle and tempestuous as the fires that dot its charred surface. Originally found roaming the smoking peaks of a crimson mountain, the beast was captured as part of an intrepid adventurer’s research into the local ecology. Since then, it has served to carry the mightiest warriors into the din of war.
Sunscorch Raiment
Costume Cosmetic Skin *
There are few powers as primordial and all-encompassing as the flame. Present since the dawn of time, there are Verrans who have dedicated their lives to harnessing this seemingly simple element. Whether these sorcerers yearn to wield the power for destruction or rebirth, their goal is ultimately to further their understanding, and through respect and reverence be granted its timeless power.
Flamefin Frigate
Naval Cosmetic Skin *
A beacon carving its path through the sea, this vermillion goliath heralds the morning. A ship like this needs no introduction, as its eyes cast an ominous glow on passing sailors. Its striking hue and heft are said to grant great fortune to any captain with the skills to helm it. Even greater, its blackened hull and burnished mast are said to have resisted countless fiery barrages from those who would dare try to sink it, further adding to its legend.
The Blazing Gate
Freehold Artisan Building Cosmetic Skin *
Here atop this scathing mountain do earth and fire meet, creating a gate from which the inferno itself manifests. Few phenomena can match the unshakeable fury of the earth, sweeping away all things in a wave of ash and fire. Yet from this terrible display, life arises anew. In equal measure, the flame gives as much as it takes. One need only look to the brilliant star that greets each morning to see this truth.
Wayfarer Pre-order Package
- Access to future Beta Two test phase
- 2 months of game time ($30 Value)
- $25 in Embers (in-game marketplace credits, NO P2W!)
- Perdition’s Path
Expeditionary Pre-order Package
- Access to future Beta One test phase
- Access to future Beta Two test phase
- 4 months of game time ($60 Value)
- $50 in Embers (in-game marketplace credits, NO P2W!)
- Perdition’s Path
- Embered Kit
Voyager Pre-order Package
- Access to future Alpha Two test phase
- Access to future Beta One test phase
- Access to future Beta Two test phase
- 6 months of game time ($90 Value)
- $100 in Embers (in-game marketplace credits, NO P2W!)
- Perdition’s Path
- Embered Kit
- Fox of the Pyre
Voyager Plus Pre-order Package
- Access to future Alpha Two test phase
- Access to future Beta One test phase
- Access to future Beta Two test phase
- 9 months of game time ($135 value)
- $125 in Embers (in-game marketplace credits, NO P2W!)
- Perdition’s Path
- Embered Kit
- Fox of the Pyre
- Sunscorch Raiment
- Flamefin Frigate
- The Blazing Gate
- Name Reservation
* All skin cosmetic items are cosmetic items only and do not grant the user any other benefit. The lore text is flavor text, and background of the creatures and items in the world of Verra. Costume cosmetic items do not include the weapons pictured.
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