Within the minds of every living creature on Verra lies a glittering world of endless possibility. Though inaccessible to most, a select few have unlocked the means of crossing into this enigmatic place, where thought and emotion roam truly free. Their purpose is to catalogue and research this realm, and should opportunity present itself, to borrow its power.
The Realm of the Wakeless cosmetic addons will be available in the Ashes of Creation shop from January 8, 2020 at 11:00 a.m. Pacific until February 5, 2020 at 11:00 a.m. Pacific. Don’t forget that the Rime and Regal addons will be removed on January 8, 2020 at 11:00 a.m. Pacific when the new cosmetics swap over.
Sleepseer's Focus
Accessory Cosmetic Skin * Dreams hold the secrets of many a man's heart. It is for this reason alone the oracles have taken a keen interest in their study. The capture of dreams is an easy enough task for the most accomplished of oracles, holding it for further dissection and manipulation is another thing. The use of gem foci is widely embraced for such a feat. Headdresses are the most common place for this focus to be stored, as the head is the closest physical link to the subconscious. These foci allow those oracles who aspire to accomplish this rare feat, to hone their abilities.
Luminous Starcrawler
Pet Cosmetic Skin * A diminutive and pleasant familiar, starcrawlers dart across the sky like a miniature meteorite, in search of dreams the seers desire to find. Its appearance is intentional, as it serves to greatly subdue the fears dwelling in every dreaming being.
Whispering Watcher
Mount Cosmetic Skin * Countless different creatures roam the lands of dreams, some formed from idle thoughts, others from an amalgam of raw emotion. One creature is said to be inquisitive and knowledgeable like no other, yet so enigmatic and secretive that its presence has only been marked by a curious whisper dancing upon the winds.
Sleepseer's Raiment
Costume Cosmetic Skin * While oracles are greatly versed in the manipulation of dreams, they are not so arrogant as to be oblivious to the dangers associated. Potent glyphs and runes of warding pulse and glow within this garment, protecting the oracle as well as serving to mask their presence.
Roamer's Vardo
Caravan Cosmetic Skin * This caravan holds the many earthly belongings of the oracles, allowing them to traverse reality in relative security. The countless baubles and devices within are a boon to oracles wishing to ply their trade.
Gateway of the Visionary
Freehold Artisan Building Cosmetic Skin * A grand and striking tent, equipped with all manner of tools for discerning the fortunes of every wayward soul. To many doubtful citizens of Verra, the oracles are simply performers; yet if they only knew the depths of their own minds as the oracles do, not a single doubt would remain.
Wayfarer Pre-order Package
- Access to Beta 2
- 2 months of game time ($30 Value)
- $25 in Embers (in-game marketplace credits, NO P2W!)
- Sleepseer's Focus
Expeditionary Pre-order Package
- Access to Beta 1
- Access to Beta 2
- 4 months of game time ($60 Value)
- $50 in Embers (in-game marketplace credits, NO P2W!)
- Sleepseer's Focus
- Luminous Starcrawler
Voyager Pre-order Package
- Access to Alpha 2
- Access to Beta 1
- Access to Beta 2
- 6 months of game time ($90 Value)
- $100 in Embers (in-game marketplace credits, NO P2W!)
- Sleepseer's Focus
- Luminous Starcrawler
- Whispering Watcher
Voyager Plus Pre-order Package
- Access to Alpha 2
- Access to Beta 1
- Access to Beta 2
- 9 months of game time ($135 value)
- $125 in Embers (in-game marketplace credits, NO P2W!)
- Sleepseer's Focus
- Luminous Starcrawler
- Whispering Watcher
- Sleepseer's Raiment
- Roamer's Vardo
- Gateway of the Visionary
- Name Reservation
* All skin cosmetic items are cosmetic items only and do not grant the user any other benefit. The lore text is flavor text, and background of the creatures and items in the world of Verra. Costume cosmetic items do not include the weapons pictured. (Note: Costumes and Mounts may be accessible in Ashes of Creation Apocalypse. We'll notify you when these items have been added.)
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