The Order of Luminous Levin is a congregation of abandoned souls and desperate aspirants. Some within the order seek strength and solace in the cold and unforgiving storms, while others merely await the return of their patron - that he may rule the domain of the skies once more.
The Order of Luminous Levin cosmetic addons will be available in the Ashes of Creation shop from September 4, 2019 at 11:00 a.m. Pacific until October 9, 2019 at 11:00 a.m. Pacific. Don’t forget that the Groves of Slumbering Shade addons will be removed on September 4, 2019 at 11:00 a.m. Pacific when the new cosmetics swap over.
Coil of Crackling Skies
Accessory Cosmetic Skin* This band is an ancient focus of power and worship forged in honor of the storm's relentless power. It is a powerful tribal heirloom, a testament to the ever-capricious nature of the skies, and grants its wearer the fortitude to withstand any tempest.
Guardian Nimbus
Pet Cosmetic Skin* Though the path to the Spire of the Storm Lord is fraught with freezing rain and sudden gales, the Spire's High Priests spare no precautions in its defense. Thus, they imbue a storm with the power of the High Priests before them, forming a living vortex as fierce as the lightning that flashes within.
Thundering Bolt Beast
Flying/Gliding Mount Cosmetic Skin* In ages past, when nigh omnipotent entities still battled for worldly supremacy, the Bolt Beasts would flock in the hundreds around the primordial storms - a massive indigo whirlwind shrieking in unison. Now, their numbers are greatly diminished, though they still congregate in those places where the fiercest storms churn.
Garb of the Silent Hurricane
Costume Cosmetic Skin* A set of vestments consecrated in the harshest conditions imaginable, this garb is granted to champions when victory is a necessity. Those few survivors of the resulting attack tell of an untouchable demon, a foe that strikes from all sides with no provocation, connecting with the force of a thunderclap. Yet for all this power, there is a price, and its use will bring eventual misfortune upon the wearer.
Thunderhead Longboat
Naval Cosmetic Skin* A sturdy longboat reinforced by patterns of inlaid ivory, this resolute craft carves through the harshest waves unscathed with a mighty bolt beast as its figurehead. These effigies grant favor to the sailors of these ships, and the assurance of safe passage through inclement weather is a great boon, especially for trade.
The Shadowed Spire
Freehold Large House Building Cosmetic *
The center of the Order makes its home here. Countless relics are stored in its dim halls, and devotees can be found praying within its corridors. Accomplished aspirants are allowed to rise to the higher floors, elevating themselves closer to the Storm Lord. The pinnacle is restricted to the most devout followers - at the summit, they come face to face with the storm, and it is during the devastating cacophony that they await a sign from the Storm Lord himself.
Wayfarer Pre-order Package
- Access to Beta 2
- 2 months of game time ($30 Value)
- $25 in Embers (in-game marketplace credits, NO P2W!)
- Coil of Crackling Skies
Expeditionary Pre-order Package
- Access to Beta 1
- Access to Beta 2
- 4 months of game time ($60 Value)
- $50 in Embers (in-game marketplace credits, NO P2W!)
- Coil of Crackling Skies
- Guardian Nimbus
Voyager Pre-order Package
- Access to Alpha 2
- Access to Beta 1
- Access to Beta 2
- 6 months of game time ($90 Value)
- $100 in Embers (in-game marketplace credits, NO P2W!)
- Coil of Crackling Skies
- Guardian Nimbus
- Thundering Bolt Beast
Voyager Plus Pre-order Package
- Access to Alpha 2
- Access to Beta 1
- Access to Beta 2
- 9 months of game time ($135 value)
- $125 in Embers (in-game marketplace credits, NO P2W!)
- Coil of Crackling Skies
- Guardian Nimbus
- Thundering Bolt Beast
- Garb of the Silent Hurricane
- Thunderhead Longboat
- The Shadowed Spire
- Name Reservation
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