With love in the air, we wanted to let you celebrate a little earlier! Our February Cosmetics will be available as addons on the Ashes of Creation shop on February 13, 2019 at 5:00 p.m. Pacific.
On February 21, 2019 at 5:00 p.m. Pacific the February Cosmetics will swap over into bundles and the January Cosmetics will be removed, so don’t forget to grab those.
Mantle of the Silver Temple
Accessory Cosmetic Skin*
As the moon rises in the skies of Verra, Vek Astrologers of the Silver Temple don their mantles. The disk of the garment reflects the glow of the moon, so they may bask in the light of the heavens as they gaze upon the stars.
Oracle of the Far Prairie
Pet Cosmetic Skin*
The strange rodents that dwell within the desert are said to see into the future, and instinctively know the kind from the cruel. Young Vaelune women are known to keep them as pets, introducing them to potential suitors in hopes the tiny beast’s instincts will guide them to happiness and love.
Regalia of the Plated Heart
Costume Cosmetic Skin*
Many of the Vaelune believe that a Noble must be as comfortable on the battlefield as they are in the ballroom. Their armor is often designed with both in mind, though many Nobles joke that there is little difference between the two.
Glimmering Geode
Mount Cosmetic Skin*
The Glimmering Geodes have no natural predators among the dunes of Verra; for no claw or fang can pierce the crystals that protect the flesh within. Taming the beasts is no easy task, but those who succeed cross the desert in both safety and style.
Caravan of the Radiant Kingdom
Caravan Cosmetic Skin*
Shade is a rare and precious respite from the harsh sun of the desert, and it was not long before the merchants of the Vaelune decided that if they could not find the shade of trees, they would bring it themselves.
Starweaver's Workshop
Freehold Artisan Building Cosmetic Skin*
The great tailors of the Vek build their workshops so that the light of the moon shines directly onto their looms, and with deft hands they weave radiance of the cosmos into every thread.
Wayfarer Pre-order Package
- Access to Beta 2
- 2 months of game time ($30 Value)
- $25 in Embers (in-game marketplace credits, NO P2W!)
- Mantle of the Silver Temple
Expeditionary Pre-order Package
- Access to Beta 1
- Access to Beta 2
- 4 months of game time ($60 Value)
- $50 in Embers (in-game marketplace credits, NO P2W!)
- Mantle of the Silver Temple
- Oracle of the Far Prairie
Voyager Pre-order Package
- Access to Alpha 2
- Access to Beta 1
- Access to Beta 2
- 6 months of game time ($90 Value)
- $100 in Embers (in-game marketplace credits, NO P2W!)
- Mantle of the Silver Temple
- Oracle of the Far Prairie
- Glimmering Geode
Voyager-Plus Pre-order Package
- Access to Alpha 2
- Access to Beta 1
- Access to Beta 2
- 9 months of game time ($135 value)
- $125 in Embers (in-game marketplace credits, NO P2W!)
- Mantle of the Silver Temple
- Oracle of the Far Prairie
- Glimmering Geode
- Regalia of the Plated Heart
- Caravan of the Radiant Kingdom
- Starweaver’s Workshop
- Name Reservation
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